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Han escuchado a Mayor Parker y a Elliot Imse hablar sobre los recortes de la administración del presidente Trump…
You’ve been hearing from Mayor Annise Parker and Elliot Imse about the Trump Administration cutting federal funding for global…
Quería asegurarme de que viste el mensaje de Mayor Parker ayer. Y como director ejecutivo del Victory Institute, quiero…
I want to make sure you saw Mayor Parker’s message from yesterday. And as the Executive Director of Victory…
Estamos viviendo tiempos turbulentos. En solo diez días, décadas de avances para las personas LGBTQ+, las personas racializadas, las…
We are living in tumultuous times. In just ten days, decades of progress for LGBTQ+ people, people of color,…
LGBTQ+ Victory Institute is proud to announce the ten 2024 Victory Empowerment Fellows.The Victory Empowerment Fellowship is a six-month…
We are proud to announce LGBTQ+ Victory Institute’s 2024 class of David Bohnett Leaders Fellows. These seven inspiring LGBTQ+…
Oliver Williams is the newest Victory Congressional Fellow named by LGBTQ+ Victory Institute.This competitive 10-month fellowship brings one outstanding…
Women Out to Win is a six-month advanced campaign training for LGBTQ+ women to address challenges specific to women…