Representation Trends
November 2017 – June 2020
[infogram id=”ofa-overall-trends-2020-1h7z2lryyx9l2ow” prefix=”I5x”]
The number of known openly LGBTQ elected officials has increased dramatically since the Out for America report began its annual census in November 2017. While the majority of the increase is directly attributable to more LGBTQ people winning elected office, a portion is due to LGBTQ people coming out while already in office and Victory Institute learning about LGBTQ people who were already in office.
Between November 2017 and June 2020, the number of LGBTQ elected officials has increased from 448 to 843.
[infogram id=”elected-officials-by-position-1hxr4zvk5jl52yo” prefix=”KNQ”]